* In Can’t Hurt Me, Goggins explains how his exceptional experience can be applied to everyday life. 

* He passes on his hard-earned wisdom about tapping into your unlocked potential, overcoming your fears and being better. 

* With his tough talk, brutal honesty and extraordinary accomplishments, Goggins is an engrossing storyteller and provides us with inspiration to take the path of most resistance. 

* He disputes the idea that people have limits. 

* Through his astounding successes, you may start to believe that your own potential, in whatever field you choose, might be boundless.

Theme 1: The 40% Rule - 0:29

Theme 2: Learning From Your Failures - 10:50

Theme 3: Embracing Change - 22:05

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Full Title: Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Deny the Odds

Year of Publication: 2018

Book Author: Dave Goggins

To purchase the complete edition of this book click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KKP62FW/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_0YGEFBFBDJ0E0VMXKCSP 

Book Insight Writer: Joe Barnes

Editor: Monica Woods

Producer: Daniel Gonzalez

Production Manager: Karin Richey

Curator: Tom Butler-Bowdon

Narrator: Elliott Schiff