* In this collection of remarkable case studies, physician and neurology professor Oliver Sacks introduces us to the bewildering world of the brain and its disorders. 

* From patients afflicted with frenzied tics, and those who can no longer recognize familiar faces and objects, to others who have lost great swathes of their memories, Sacks permits the reader a greater understanding of the often bizarre world of the neurologically impaired. 

* He describes with great compassion and humanity the nuances of each case, and the steps he could sometimes take to address the wildly varying conditions. 

* The emotions and personality of the patient, rather than the abstract symptoms, he argues, must be central to any treatment – it is essential to never lose sight of the individual, the ‘I’ tragically obscured by neurological disease.

Theme 1: The Case of Dr P - 0:29

Theme 2: The Case of Witty Ticcy Ray - 9:28

Theme 3: The Case of Natasha - 19:34

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Full Title: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

Year of Publication: 1985

Book Author: Oliver Sacks

To purchase the complete edition of this book click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005745MYI/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_7GZT9632S21RN0AXTBGG 

Book Insight Writer: Philip Jaekl

Editor: Tom Butler-Bowdon

Producer: Daniel Gonzalez

Production Manager: Karin Richey

Curator: Tom Butler-Bowdon

Narrator: Tom Evans