*Based on in-depth interviews with more than 500 American millionaires, plus over a thousand surveys made up of more than 200 questions, The Millionaire Next Door yields some surprising findings. 

*Even its authors, business academics Thomas Stanley and William Danko, were taken aback to discover that the majority of millionaires weren’t holed up in luxurious mansions surrounded by extravagant purchases. 

*The pair investigated not just your common-or-garden variety of millionaire (who are increasingly common), but ‘decamillionaires’, those whose net worth exceeds $10 million. 

*They identified seven common traits that show up again and again among the super-wealthy. Many live modestly, right next door rather than in Beverly Hills or on Park Avenue, they work hard and they save assiduously. 

*The conclusion that the authors ultimately draw is that consumption and opulence pale in comparison to the peace of mind that comes from fulfilling work and the discipline of slowly building up a nest egg over time.

Theme 1: Finding Millionaires - 0:29

Theme 2: Wealth Defined & Work Habits - 8:42

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Full Title: The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Rich

Year of Publication: 1996

Book Author: Thomas J Stanley & William S Danko

To purchase the complete edition of this book click here: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0000547HR/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_8W5Y1TVNSWG01C50GEG3

Book Insight Writer: Tom Butler-Bowdon

Editor: Tom Butler-Bowdon 

Producer: Gabe Mara 

Production Manager: Karin Richey 

Curator: Tom Butler-Bowden 

Narrator: Michael Khachanov