*Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup brilliantly articulates the incremental, iterative approach to innovation, which provides a reality check on ego-driven ideas that might look good on paper but just won’t fly. 

*As all great entrepreneurs know, business success comes from a curious mix of blue-sky thinking and a love of feedback and data. 

*The lean approach helps new ventures launch products and services that users and customers actually want, in a way that’s far more nimble, much cheaper, and less risky than traditional methods. 

*At the same time, other business and technology trends are breaking down the barriers to startup formation – the combination of all these forces is fundamentally altering the entrepreneurial landscape.

Theme 1: Build the Right Thing - 0:29

Theme 2: Testing with Vision - 9:38

Theme 3: Engine of Growth - 14:50

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Eric Ries. “Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - Talks at Google - Full Transcript.” Canadian Value Investors, www.canadianvalueinvestors.com/eric-ries-the-lean-startup-talks-at-google-full-transcript.

"Eric Ries-Building The Minimum Viable Product". Youtube, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FoCbbbcYT8. Accessed 28 Jan 2019.

Full Title: The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovations to Create Radically Successful Businesses

Year of Publication: 2011

Book Author: Eric Ries

To purchase the complete edition of this book click here: https://tinyurl.com/4m5jxfb5

Book Insight Writer: James Safford

Editor: Tom Butler-Bowdon

Producer: Daniel Gonzalez

Production Manager: Karin Richey

Curator: Tom Butler-Bowden

Narrator: Kristi Burns