*A culture in which so many people believe they are not enough – not successful enough, thin enough, powerful enough, smart enough, extraordinary enough, or certain enough – is a “culture of scarcity”, Brown writes in Daring Greatly. 

*Preoccupied by what society perceives to be deficiencies, we find it a challenge to say “I am worthy.”  And we find it difficult to take risks, social, emotional, and professional. 

*Yet accepting our vulnerability and viewing it as a strength – learning to “dare greatly,” or dare anything at all – is the only way we can become what we were meant to be.

Theme 1: Vulnerability and its Enemies - 0:29

Theme 2: How shame works - 6:50

Theme 3: Vulnerability and society - 17:25

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Brown, Brené. "Transcript Of "Listening To Shame"". Ted.Com, 2019, https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_listening_to_shame/transcript. Accessed 2 Feb 2019.

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Full Title: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Year of Publication: 2019

Book Author: Brené Brown

To purchase the complete edition of this book click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DX6TNR1/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_QKFMV9RSQKGVT3Y5V5J1

Book Insight Writer: Dinsa Sachan

Editor: Morwenna Loughman

Producer: Gabe Mara

Production Manager: Karin Richey

Curator: Tom Butler-Bowden

Narrator: Kristi Burns