It's launch time and we're sitting bitch in the bucket of BS NASA calls a shuttle. It's rattling, it's shaking and it's about 5 minutes onto the ride when we realize this is an inflatable shuttle that's more of a raft than it is a shuttle. Before we begin we need to understand one thing VERY clearly - SPACE IS WATER. There's no ifs or ands about it. Space is Water and the quicker you get that through your head the quicker we can get through this grueling lesson of ours. I don't' enjoy teaching it and only about 1 person per lesson ever understands it all....ME> :-)

There's much more to a simulated reality like ours than what we can see with our limited human eyes. Using parabolic mirrors and mirror scopes, we can see into other dimensions that make up the target stars in our ionosphere. Excited salt layers in these stars produce the light that we see when we look up at the night sky. But there's so much more to these stars than what we can see with our naked eyes. By looking through a simulated reality, we can get a better understanding of the true nature of the universe.