We Found it and We're Bringing it to You

Let's Take a Ride Everyone

Jump in and Let's Ride the Space Elevator

Dot.Connector.Podcast by [BMC]
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I've been hammering away for years trying to find the real space elevator and prove that it's real. Not until now have I been able to do so. Now I have overwhelming evidence proving beyond a shadow of doubt that it's real. I'm so excited to give this information to the world and plant the seed needed for everyone to begin honing their skills, their eyes and realizing the differences between the real and the fake. I've only ever put out one video regarding the real space elevator before and now I have enough proof to not only update that video but put out another well over an hour.

The Real Space Elevator


I dont' want to flood you all with information but it's the only way possible to get my message across. Here I've got peer-reviewed physics papers about a physicist who's been studying magnetic tubes she found traveling all around our universe. She's been keeping this information hush hush for over 30 years and now she wants to spill the beans. After reading her article I can see why she wants to tell the world. Had she come to me the first week she noticed it I could've easily told her that those tubes were nothing but the real space elevator.

I have Native American art with beautifully depicts the ladder or life aka the space elevator. In this art we will see stories of creation. Wars with the entities who live on the waters below. We have a real video shot from the space elevator and disguised as a weather space balloon video. I have put a bunch of sky survey images and videos in here. I've compiled a bunch of NASA imagery and videos as well in this video. Finally I have a ton of my own videos and images that I've included.

Needless to say you're going to love the proof that I've included. It's going to be hard for any of you to say that it's not the real space elevator but I've love to see you try.

You're going to need to set aside a good, long hour for this video. I tried to run through it all the best I could and the fastest I knew how but it wasn't easy. Just know that I did my best. Bexx and I really hope enjoy every minute of this amazing video.

We hope you like to get your mind blown because that's exactly what is about to happen. Get ready for it.

See you in the next video everyone.

Bexx and Boogie


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