This was an spur of the moment type video after we did our video premiere of our newest research video regarding the shape of the moon. In this video we showed some of the highest resolution images of the Moon the world has ever seen. These images were shot using "The Mad Max" which was a project Bexx, Rex and Boogie partook on where we built the 2nd largest telescope (privately owned) in the United States. This telescope is amazing. It has a 40" parabolic dish and is only 2nd to a 100" parabolic dobsonian telescope out in Arizona. Either way - as you can see - the images and videos that came out of this telescope were clearer and closer than any other images of the Moon you've EVER seen or will see. Hands down.

On the comments I'm seeing a lot of Flat Earthers spotting off at the mouth about the firmament. Let me school you for a second. I'm well aware of the firmament, the moon, the stars, the sun and their placement within the firmament. Actually there is nobody on this planet that has done more research on the firmament than me. If you'd like to know what I know about the firmament please feel free to visit the VERY in depth report I wrote about the firmament here on my website:

PSALMS 19:1 - The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, the Firmament Sheweth his Handy Work!
NOTE: This scripture is written on the headstone of Wernher Von Braun - a NAZI SS scientist recruited to the United States during project Paperclip. If you don't know what Project Paperclip is please click here and read more about it -

I believe and I've proved ample evidence (and 3rd party research) that the Moon is a parabolic dish capable of transmitting images and videos which are so detailed we would never be able to tell the difference between reality and fakery. But, this is all apart of the research. I've also shown in this video that there are track systems and tether systems which only assist in the fakery, simulation and holographic reality of the universe around us. There is no question that if you don't like what I'm showing - you need to look elsewhere for your information because you don't want what I'm selling. That's OK with me. I'm not here to change your mind or even care in your beliefs.

Join us on the website: - be sure to check out the woke lounge while youre there. It's the first and only social media website designed by yours truly strictly for the woke. You can post, share, life, friend and befriended by woke folks just like yourself. It's A LOT like Facebook except your Mother, your Grandmother and your kids aren't on there. It's a special place filled with freethinkers and there is only one rule - no judgements. The woke lounge was created to allow people like ourselves to discuss the lies in the skies and other mind-blowing sightings we catch on the daily. Join us in the lounge - you will love it there.

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