Brain Hacking w/ 5G, RF & Microwave Frequency
The Powers that Be are Playing God and Controlling Our Minds
5G, LED Lights, Smart Dust & NanoTech - Brain Hacking is the Future of Mind Control
Yes, It's Real and Easy to Obtain! 

The title says it all but as you know we are going to dive right into this. It was somewhere in the early 1980s and the MK Ultra experiments were well, underway. The government and subcontractors of the powers that be were already experimenting with mind control mediums, frequencies and devices. It wasn't long until they had it mastered mind control with ease.

They've now taken mc to new levels with LED lighting systems, WiFi, LiFi and of course 5G. The skynet is complete and our world is engulfed in neurolinks, smart dust distributed in chemtrails and drinking water and all our transmitters are activated through microwaves and radio frequency links. The struggle is real and there's literally no stopping them now.

The brain hacks first started through the dream sequences but it's quickly moved to full control while subjects are awake and active. We are being mind hacked and you may not have any idea it's even happening. Have you ever got an idea which popped in your head which didn't' feel like your own? There's good reason for that. Has your internal monologue changed? Have the voices in your head increased? Has the tone of the voice in your head changed altogether? You're not alone. This is what the show was all about!

If you're interested in watching the live show broadcast simply click below and enjoy the show. This was a straight podcast show so there isn't much to see. We didn't concentrate on visual aides at all - it was all about the audio on Saturdays' show. Either way, it was a show

For many years I was praying without actually knowing that's what was going on. I knew I was talking to myself but I had no idea I was talking with God. Afterall I wasn't kneeling when I did it. I always thought there were rules to praying. I was sure you had to submit yourself to your higher power and humble yourself while praying (by kneeling). I wasn't doing any of those thing. In fact, I was shopping, I was driving, I was gardening and even hanging out with friends while talking to God. I was even getting responses every once in a while. There was an inner voice, a monologue at the same time as praying. Many of the responses I was receiving were direct answers and comments to my questions or concerns. This is how it always was. I had the voice engraved in my mind because I had been receiving these messages for years. I knew the voice. This is the voice I heard in my prayers since the beginning of my time here on Earth. I knew this voice like it was a mirrored reflection of my own. I would always remember it.

One night while walking home that voice I knew; the voice I would always remember...changed. It wasn't the same voice. It was deeper, raspier and altogether different. Not only was the voice different in the responses I received but it also lost memory of my past and even our past together. This voice, this person I knew and loved. The voice that guided me in times of turmoil, times of rejoice, sadness, love and fear was 100% different and I was positive of it.  This is when I knew everything was different. Everything was wrong. This is when I knew I had been hacked.

Max Igan & Flat Earth
About two weeks ago, right before I realized I had been hacked I received my first message from this new voice in my head. This voice caught me during a dream and hacked my sub conscience. I woke up and I felt stricken with joy and excitement. I was a flat earther all of the sudden and I felt the urge to share it with the world. I wouldn't be satisfied until everyone I knew was aware of the new changes in my life. There aren't many things these days that get me excited and I had never been more excited about a new discovery like this.

Anyone that knows me,

Brain Hacking w/ 5G, RF & Microwave Frequency
The Powers that Be are Playing God and Controlling Our Minds
5G, LED Lights, Smart Dust & NanoTech – Brain Hacking is the Future of Mind Control

Yes, It’s Real and Easy to Obtain! 


The title says it all but as you know we are going to dive right into this. It was somewhere in the early 1980s and the MK Ultra experiments were well, underway. The government and subcontractors of the powers that be were already experimenting with mind control mediums, frequencies and devices. It wasn’t long until they had it mastered mind control with ease.

They’ve now taken mc to new levels with LED lighting systems, WiFi, LiFi and of course 5G. The skynet is complete and our world is engulfed in neurolinks, smart dust distributed in chemtrails and drinking water and all our transmitters are activated through microwaves and radio frequency links. The struggle is real and there’s literally no stopping them now.

The brain hacks first started through the dream sequences but it’s quickly moved to full control while subjects are awake and active. We are being mind hacked and you may not have any idea it’s even happening. Have you ever got an idea which popped in your head which didn’t’ feel like your own? There’s good reason for that. Has your internal monologue changed? Have the voices in your head increased? Has the tone of the voice in your head changed altogether? You’re not alone. This is what the show was all about!

If you’re interested in watching the live show broadcast simply click below and enjoy the show. This was a straight podcast show so there isn’t much to see. We didn’t concentrate on visual aides at all – it was all about the audio on Saturdays’ show. Either way, it was a show

For many years I was praying without actually knowing that’s what was going on. I knew I was talking to myself but I had no idea I was talking with God. Afterall I wasn’t kneeling when I did it. I always thought there were rules to praying. I was sure you had to submit yourself to your higher power and humble yourself while praying (by kneeling). I wasn’t doing any of those thing. In fact, I was shopping, I was driving, I was gardening and even hanging out with friends while talking to God. I was even getting responses every once in a while. There was an inner voice, a monologue at the same time as praying. Many of the responses I was receiving were direct answers and comments to my questions or concerns. This is how it always was. I had the voice engraved in my mind because I had been receiving these messages for years. I knew the voice. This is the voice I heard in my prayers since the beginning of my time here on Earth. I knew this voice like it was a mirrored reflection of my own. I would always remember it.

One night while walking home that voice I knew; the voice I would always remember…changed. It wasn’t the same voice. It was deeper, raspier and altogether different. Not only was the voice different in the responses I received but it also lost memory of my past and even our past together. This voice, this person I knew and loved. The voice that guided me in times of turmoil, times of rejoice, sadness, love and fear was 100% different and I was positive of it.  This is when I knew everything was different. Everything was wrong. This is when I knew I had been hacked.

Max Igan & Flat Earth

About two weeks ago, right before I realized I had been hacked I received my first message from this new voice in my head. This voice caught me during a dream and hacked my sub conscience. I woke up and I felt stricken with joy and excitement. I was a flat earther all of the sudden and I felt the urge to share it with the world. I wouldn’t be satisfied until everyone I knew was aware of the new changes in my life. There aren’t many things these days that get me excited and I had never been more excited about a new discovery like this.

Anyone that knows me, truly knows me, knows flat earth is NOT my thing. I’m adamant about NOT being a flat earther or a glober. Although I care about the shape of the earth I’ve come to the realization that I’ll never get that answer and I’m OK with this. These are the terms I’ve come to accept.  Many of us have. So why the new found discovery and why now?

Max Igan is an old truther, actually he is one of the original truthers of the day. He has always stood by flat earth being a psyop designed by the CIA to make people look like fools as a part of Project Mockingbird amongst many other things. Well Max must’ve been visited by the same flat earth fairies as I because he was excited for the world to know about his new flat earth glory as well. He put out a mind-blowing testimonial video coming out as a flat earther the same week, the same day as my new found position. He wasn’t the only one – there were 4 other people like ourselves that felt the urge to tell the world they are now flat earthers. None of seemed like we were capable of stopping ourselves from keeping it to ourselves. Just as Max took his flat earth testimonial video live I was just finishing mine.

I had received many calls from friends on YouTube whom also felt the need to go flat earth and tell the world. Why? I’m sure we were all visited by the same internal voice whom commanded us in our sleep to obey their commands and spread the word. Why? I don’t think we will ever know.

Before 5G and the neuro skynet was complete here in West Palm Beach when the powers that be wanted to pass us (Bexx, Rex and I ) a message they would send one of their goons to wherever we were at that day to make idle conversation with us in the most peculiar places. Lowes, Home Depot, Food Town, Publix, Goodwill or even just walking down the street or at the beach. We would constantly get these “visitors” we nicknamed Angels and Demons. We would constantly get these YouTube comments by strawman accounts that would directly relate to private conversations Bexx and I had privately in our home that nobody could’ve possibly heard unless they had our home or car wired for listening to our conversations. These Angels and Demons would visit us, make direct conversations about topics of discussion which wouldn’t make sense to us at the time but they always would later. These conversations would always include directions we were to follow, places we needed to visit or things (topics, channels, videos, blogs or books) to research and learn about.

I wish I could have explained myself better to these people that we were dense and we weren’t taking hints well. We weren’t understanding exactly what they wanted us to do, say, study or learn. Well, it appears those problems are nothing but dust in the wind. Now that the neuro skynet is complete, 5G is in full swing and the smart dust is doing it’s job; our brains are officially hacked and our subconscious is theirs to play with. We are receiving their messages loud and clear. So clear I can no longer decipher my own thoughts from the ones implanted in our heads.

If it weren’t for me paying attention to others going through the same thing I was at the same time (people like Max Igan). If it weren’t for people like Joe C and TwilightMist explaining the possibilities of Brain Hacks. If it weren’t for Max Igan’s testimonial video and the calls from my friends I wouldn’t have known my revelation fell at the same exact time as theirs – even our revelations were the same. There are no such thing as coincidences. If it weren’t for mistakes made by the hacker in my head and the inconsistency in voices I would have never known I was being hacked. Due to these issues in such a short period of time it’s become clear to me that this war is real and we are under attack. To most folks out of the loop of the spectrum this will sound like a classic case of schizophrenia. Anyone in the know is already aware of whats going on and knows now to protect themselves from this attack.

This answers so many questions as to why the powers that be were so quick to roll out the 5G system. Why NASA, Space X, FaceBook, DARPA, the DOD, the AirForce and others were so excited to deploy the Satlink data satellites into lower earth orbit and offer free WiFi to the world and bring internet to corners of the earth not currently being served. Why would the North Pole, Aboriginals, the Congo, Tribesmen of the South West and the likes need high speed internet through 5G data links? They don’t. But the powers that be need a docile population more than willing to take orders when they feel they’re the ones that came up with the idea themselves. These ideas will of course come on the heels of them having the idea come to them in dreams, random times throughout the day, during prayer and more.  Who are these people and what is their end game? When is enough control enough? When and where does it end?

Elon Musk tried to warn us about this smart dust and do date I couldn’t figure out what its practical uses could even be. Now I know, now we all know. The world is about to get really, really interesting.

This is how they will keep the population controlled and calm during epidemics sure to destroy massive amounts of people like the Corona Virus. But that’s a story for another day.

We’ve received numerous reports from professionals experiencing brain hacks causing them to act EXTREMELY out of character. People who have never drank feeling the urge to stay drunk. Folks without

Please take the time to watch and listen to this amazing podcast broadcast. You can catch this broadcast on YouTube, iTunes, Pandora, Google Podcast, Spotify or 46 other podcast networks. We are literally everywhere so there’s no excuse for why you can’t tune in and enjoy!

Join us on the website: – be sure to check out the woke lounge while you’re there. It’s the first and only social media website designed by yours truly strictly for the woke. You can post, share, life, friend and befriended by woke folks just like yourself. It’s A LOT like Facebook except your Mother, your Grandmother and your kids aren’t on there. It’s a special place filled with free thinkers and there is only one rule – no judgements. The woke lounge was created to allow people like ourselves to discuss the lies in the skies and other mind-blowing sightings we catch on the daily. Join us in the lounge – you will love it there.

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Please be good to one another and of course always be good to yourself.

Please use this opportunity to prepare for the worst and of course always hope for the best.

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