Ye are Gods

You Only Need to Look within to Find Peace & Happiness

Genesis 1: Broken Down; Decoded & Deciphered 

This amazing video is proudly presented by our sponsor || SIZZLE CITY || Strings of Bling and Other Shiny Things || Call or Visit Us Today || || 626.274.6028 ||

Steve Olson WSO Channel; Breaking the God Spell: The Bible Decoded & Deciphered - Genesis 1

Be sure to visit the link below and check out the amazing work done by Steve Olson of WSO. Like. Share & Subscribe. Don't forget to mash that bell icon to be notified of new and amazing videos just like this one as they are released.

Steve Olson WSO Channel:

In this video we have our good friend Steve Olson pop onto our live chat for a bit and talk about his own personal revelations. He breaks down the bible, decodes and deciphers it's contents. He breaks down the words of Jesus Christ himself and proves that we are all Gods trapped in these meat suits. We are eternal beings of light and love and the control system of the Bible is being used against us making it impossible to not see further than the tip of our own noses.

He starts with the questionable translations of Genesis 1 in the bible. He shows that the word Elohim is a plural term and our world could've most likely been created by lesser gods and NOT the father we've learned about. He also shows how the God of the old testament may in fact been Satan or some sort of demierg pretending to be the most high. Throughout biblical scriptures all we ever see are lesser gods pretending to be the most high, beating their chests and trying to take credit for the father of creation. This could be manipulation of the translations, this could be straight up manipulation of the facts or it could be the truth.

Steve talks about the council of Nicea and the manipulated bible texts, our altered time lines and history as well as what we think we know about the bible and it's meanings up until today. Many are breaking past the veil of lies, manipulations and seeing the bible for what it truly is at this point - nothing but a tool for control. Hate and division of human beings and their beliefs.

Steve finishes his conversation with true talk about the esoteric world being nothing but a distraction from what we need to truly be concentrating on and that is us. We need to being looking inside of ourselves as Jesus Christ says and understanding that we are truly Gods. That we are equals with Gods and that we will have the power to do greater things here on Earth than even Jesus Christ himself. Join us as we break the God spell and release ourselves from the hooks it has in our world and in our minds.

I would like to add that Steve discusses men whom are sitting across the street in cars with listening devices on and watching his home. He proves in the stream that his internet does indeed get shut down when he starts to discuss serious topics like this one. Not only did his internet get attacked but so did mine, through him. I believe. All of my devices, my internet connections and passwords needed reset this night after our stream was abruptly interrupted and shut down. It was something I've never experienced or have even seen before.

Join us on the website: - be sure to check out the woke lounge while you're there. It's the first and only social media website designed by yours truly strictly for the woke. You can post, share, life, friend and befriended by woke folks just like yourself. It's A LOT like Facebook except your Mother, your Grandmother and your kids aren't on there. It's a special place filled with free thinkers and there is only one rule - no judgements. The woke lounge was created to allow people like ourselves to discuss the lies in the skies and other mind-blowing sightings we catch on the daily. Join us in the lounge - you will love it there.

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Ye are Gods
You Only Need to Look within to Find Peace & Happiness
Genesis 1: Broken Down; Decoded & Deciphered 

This amazing video is proudly presented by our sponsor || SIZZLE CITY || Strings of Bling and Other Shiny Things || Call or Visit Us Today || || 626.274.6028 ||

Steve Olson WSO Channel; Breaking the God Spell: The Bible Decoded & Deciphered – Genesis 1

Be sure to visit the link below and check out the amazing work done by Steve Olson of WSO. Like. Share & Subscribe. Don’t forget to mash that bell icon to be notified of new and amazing videos just like this one as they are released.

Steve Olson WSO Channel:

In this video we have our good friend Steve Olson pop onto our live chat for a bit and talk about his own personal revelations. He breaks down the bible, decodes and deciphers it’s contents. He breaks down the words of Jesus Christ himself and proves that we are all Gods trapped in these meat suits. We are eternal beings of light and love and the control system of the Bible is being used against us making it impossible to not see further than the tip of our own noses.

He starts with the questionable translations of Genesis 1 in the bible. He shows that the word Elohim is a plural term and our world could’ve most likely been created by lesser gods and NOT the father we’ve learned about. He also shows how the God of the old testament may in fact been Satan or some sort of demierg pretending to be the most high. Throughout biblical scriptures all we ever see are lesser gods pretending to be the most high, beating their chests and trying to take credit for the father of creation. This could be manipulation of the translations, this could be straight up manipulation of the facts or it could be the truth.

Steve talks about the council of Nicea and the manipulated bible texts, our altered time lines and history as well as what we think we know about the bible and it’s meanings up until today. Many are breaking past the veil of lies, manipulations and seeing the bible for what it truly is at this point – nothing but a tool for control. Hate and division of human beings and their beliefs.

Steve finishes his conversation with true talk about the esoteric world being nothing but a distraction from what we need to truly be concentrating on and that is us. We need to being looking inside of ourselves as Jesus Christ says and understanding that we are truly Gods. That we are equals with Gods and that we will have the power to do greater things here on Earth than even Jesus Christ himself. Join us as we break the God spell and release ourselves from the hooks it has in our world and in our minds.

I would like to add that Steve discusses men whom are sitting across the street in cars with listening devices on and watching his home. He proves in the stream that his internet does indeed get shut down when he starts to discuss serious topics like this one. Not only did his internet get attacked but so did mine, through him. I believe. All of my devices, my internet connections and passwords needed reset this night after our stream was abruptly interrupted and shut down. It was something I’ve never experienced or have even seen before.

Join us on the website: – be sure to check out the woke lounge while you’re there. It’s the first and only social media website designed by yours truly strictly for the woke. You can post, share, life, friend and befriended by woke folks just like yourself. It’s A LOT like Facebook except your Mother, your Grandmother and your kids aren’t on there. It’s a special place filled with free thinkers and there is only one rule – no judgements. The woke lounge was created to allow people like ourselves to discuss the lies in the skies and other mind-blowing sightings we catch on the daily. Join us in the lounge – you will love it there.

If you like The Boogie Man Channel, and would love to support us, Subscribe to us, smash the thumbs up, join us on other social media platforms, donate, buy merch, or just simply share our Channel with friends, families, coworkers, and anywhere where we fit. Lets spread the Truth, the Love, and some laughs.

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Please be good to one another and of course always be good to yourself.

Please use this opportunity to prepare for the worst and of course always hope for the best.

If you haven’t done so already be sure to visit Steve Olson over at the WSO Channel on YouTube. Like, Share and Subscribe to his amazing work. Don’t forget to mash that bell icon to be notified of amazing videos just like these as he puts them out. You won’t be sorry!

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