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Step inside the real space elevator. The one which has been here for thousands of years since the days of Noah. The one created by Father God himself. The one which transports people all over the known and the unknown universe.

We're hot on the trail of the real space elevator. We have photos, videos, information and more. We have photos from all sorts of years and times. Some show the same space elevator and others show different space elevators. It's obvious that there's more than one. Some are ours here on Earth and transport our shadow Government members from Earth to Lower Earth Orbit and beyond. Other space elevators are NOT owned by our government or humans in general. We have astronomers, physicists whom have seen and are reporting on these space elevator discoveries. There are videos, images and sky surveys that have included the space elevator in their findings and dont' even know it.

We'll be looking at some old NASA videos that have not only shown the space elevator in it but they even show a video from inside the space elevator itself and they've disguised it in such a way where they tried to make it look like you were taking a flight from a weather balloon instead. We caught them in a huge lie.

You're not going to want to miss this live stream tonight. It's going to be amazing.

You're welcome world

Bexx and Boogie


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