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Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous Podcast! I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately about this idea of feeling ready to invest in your business, join a program, take the next steps, get into a serious relationship...the list goes on! It seems to be a common theme right now as we are just one month into the New Year and fear is starting to creep in. This podcast episode explores why we feel like we’re not ready for the next level and how to navigate through it.


In this episode you will learn:

That you will never feel ready when it comes to your dreams
That fear is the compass when it comes to taking action in your business
How money is a powerful tool for gauging your level of commitment
That every successful entrepreneur starts before they are ready
How you are the best investment you can ever make
Why it’s so important to take action from where you’re going, not from where you’ve been
The risk of staying comfortable
About the Excel 90 Day Group Coaching Program


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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