Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous Podcast! Today I'm diving into the difference between having resources and being resourceful and how YOU can leverage both to make your 2021 the most abundant and successful year yet. 


In this episode you will learn:

The changes to the Boldly Courageous Podcast
The difference between having resources and being resourceful
My recent experience having to be resourceful when finding a new home
How to make anything happen when you don’t have the resources you desire. 
The difference between saying "I can’t afford this and how can I?" 
Why your level of resourcefulness can be a powerful gauge to determine how badly you really want to SOLVE a problem.
That being resourceful is sometimes just asking for what you want 
The special offer that is available to join the Ignite Academy
How the Ignite Academy can set you up for a successful 2021
The new membership that will be launching in January


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