Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous Podcast. Today’s guest is one of my closest soul sisters Monique Benabou. Monique and I met at a women’s empowerment event where she was performing her music. I was instantly drawn to her magic and the power of her voice. 

Monique is one of the most dedicated sou-centered leaders I’ve come in contact with, and you will understand what I mean when you listen to our conversation.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

What your shadow side is & how to work with it
The impact of speaking from your throat
How to integrate the light and dark side within all of us
Discerning between your truth and the facts of any situation
How to use the body as a guide to knowing your truth
What it means to channel different frequencies and discerning among them
What vocal channeling is
What the Angel Academy for vocal channeling is and how to apply 

Who is Monique:
Being an internationally recognized transformational artist, Vocal Embodiment Coach & Sound Healer, Monique is dedicated to revolutionizing mainstream beliefs around artistry, holistic healing and ritual, centered around sacred sound and frequency. In addition to her intentional artistic offerings, she facilitates dynamic workshops, coaching courses and one-on-one mentorships, supporting throat chakra, voice and truth activations, as well as in-depth artist development & channeling. Monique supports others in bringing their inner artist & channel online, increasing self trust and liberating limiting beliefs around creativity and worth.


Connect with Monique:

Instagram | Angelfire Vocal Academy 


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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