Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous Podcast and Happy International Women’s Day!!

Today on the show I have a woman who knows a thing or two about being resilient, following your dreams and what it truly means to be an advocate for women. Brittany Burnham is a powerful woman through and through and this episode will give you a glimpse into what it takes to be a female leader in today’s world. 


In this episode you will learn:

How Brittany had to navigate the shut down of her fitness facility in Upstate NY in 2020
That struggles in life are speedbumps not a stop sign
Brittany’s tips on how to find a supportive tribe of women
What being a powerful woman means
The importance of communication in a relationship especially when you are an alpha female
Her experiences with bullying and how she’s overcome it
The power in being different 
Her new podcast that just launched called The PWR Podcast


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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