Happy Thursday, babe! I am SO excited for this episode. We're going to break down the five things you need to do if you want to be a successful network marketer. Whether you’re tired of signing team members who quit in less than thirty days, trying to find a magic formula for duplication on your team, or wish someone would tell you what to work on to make money, this episode will help you get there. Also, these tips aren't exclusive to network marketing. If you want to be a blogger, own your own business, or land that speaking gig, taking ownership of your success with these skills will help you. Success in any area isn’t a one and done deal. Success requires a mindset of growth that is always looking to learn. Let's get into the episode!



In This Episode What You Will Learn...

Why the quit rate in network marketing is so high
What a "Master's Degree in Success" looks like
Why you need to develop a specific skillset
The importance of having a wide network (and how to build one!)
How to develop a reputation of expertise to boost your credibility 
Why hard work and persistence is more important than skill level
What kind of people you should recruit for your network marketing business



Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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