What’s up, babe?! Welcome back to another episode of the Boldly Courageous podcast! This episode is one of the most special and powerful ones yet. My dear friend Mickaela McNatt is joining me today to talk about getting out of your head and really connecting to your soul. I met Mickaela through her partner, Bryce, who was in my Mastermind, and over the last several months, I have watched this woman transform her life and get deeply in touch with her soul. Mickaela is a magical unicorn, and if you want to learn how to connect with your inner child and listen to your soul’s voice, you definitely need to hear this episode!


Who Is Mickaela McNatt?

Mickaela McNatt is an intuitive mentor, business coach, NLP practitioner, and Reiki master. She runs multiple businesses that help women to create soul-aligned lives and businesses that create massive abundance and raise the frequency of the planet.


Mickaela is passionate about helping women heal their subconscious blocks, tap into their divine feminine energy, and live the lives of their dreams — no matter what that looks like. Recently, Mickaela and her partner, Bryce, sold most of their belongings, purchased an RV, and began a new nomadic lifestyle. It seemed crazy — it definitely went against all societal expectations for their lives — but it’s the life Mickaela felt her soul calling her to. Mickaela is joyfully following her calling, and she wants to help you do the same!


If you want to connect with Mickaela, her podcast is a great way to do that! She hosts the Magnify More podcast, which is a wonderful resource for wisdom and coaching on all things mindset, spirituality, and healing. The Magnify More podcast teaches listeners how to create and receive abundance in every area of their lives. But don’t click away yet! Mickaela is sharing beautiful wisdom right here on the Boldly Courageous podcast, and you won’t want to miss any of it!


In This Episode You Will Learn…

More about Mickaelas transition to a nomadic lifestyle
How to anchor your sense of safety to your own body
Why you shouldn’t build a life based on other’s expectations
Why curiosity is a gift
How to tap into your energy and bring it to your heart space
The importance of balancing your divinity and humanness
How to get in touch with your inner child
How to speak to yourself from a place of pure love
The importance of finding pleasure in small, mundane things
The importance of unconditional love in relationships


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