What’s up, babe?! Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous podcast! I am so grateful that you’re here. Today, we’re going to talk about time management. Now, I know that doesn’t sound super sexy, but it’s something that’s been coming up a lot with my one-to-one mentorship clients. When you make a transition from working in the corporate world to becoming a full-time entrepreneur or network marketer, time management can get a little confusing. So I'm going to share with you some things that have really helped me to navigate my week, set myself up for success, and get into a rhythm where I’m making progress in my business. This episode will give you the tools you need to use your time effectively and also teach you how to set time aside to recharge! Let’s dive in! 


In This Episode You Will Learn: 

How to be efficient while working so you can rest completely after working 
Why being aware of your energy is the first step to effective time management 
What an “open-loop” is and why it’s dangerous 
The importance of understanding “how you work” 
How to time-block your schedule for maximum energy flow
Why you should start using Asana and Google Calendar right now
The importance of getting clear on your value systems so you can set boundaries for your time working and time resting


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