What’s up, babe?! Welcome back to another episode of the Boldly Courageous podcast! Today, I want to talk to you about full moon and new moon rituals. You all know that I am here for the “woo woo” stuff! That’s why I enjoy creating rituals around the full moon and the new moon. I think those two times of the month have their own unique energies, and I think tapping into those energies can help you create new opportunities for you — and not only in your business but in every area of your life! So let’s dive in and talk about some rituals you can do to cut cords of negative energy and welcome new abundance into your life!


In This Episode You Will Learn…

The spiritual significance of the full moon and the new moon
How to meditate in a way that mirrors the phases of the moon
How to cut energetic cords with people and ideas you no longer need in your life
The importance of writing letters to people you need to cut energetic ties to
The symbolic power of taking Epsom salt baths
How to set new goals for yourself 
The importance of building rituals that feel right to you


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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