Text the word ALIGN to 617-206-3966


Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous Podcast! In today’s episode we are diving into the reasons that can cause us to feel stuck, confused or disconnected from our current life or business. It can often feel like a ‘messy middle’ that can leave us feeling uncertain about what we ‘should’ do. Within this also lies the importance of understanding what resistance looks like and how to shift into a place of full alignment in all areas of our life. 


In this episode you will learn:

    What I have been feeling out of alignment with lately
    That having strategy and alignment is important when making choices
    That we often make choices from our head and not with our body
    How masculine and feminine energy plays a role in creating results that work
    The difference between resistance and misalignment
    What breakthroughs and results the women got in the last round of Excel
    That asking a different question can lead to an even better outcome
    That letting go of attachments can create space for something even better
  • The power of curiosity when it comes to the choices we make

  • That the body never lies

  • About the changes I’ve recently made to the Excel 90 Day Alignment Experience and how to join


The Excel 90 Day Alignment Experience begins the week of May 17th. 

Text the word ALIGN to 617-206-3966 to learn more and schedule a call with me.


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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