What’s up, babe?! Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous podcast! Today, I’m talking to you about the difference between teachers and coaches. You might be thinking, “Aren’t teachers and coaches pretty much the same?” But while they share similar roles and can both be immensely helpful, I think there’s a key difference between them. So today, I want to talk about what makes teachers and coaches different to help you discover which one might be best for you and your business right now. Let’s get started!


In This Episode You Will Learn…

A bit about my personal story in network marketing
The importance of getting into spaces where you don’t know everything
Why investing in self-education is like getting a masters degree in life
The definition of a teacher
How teachers can provide you with a roadmap to develop a specific skill
The definition of a coach
How coaches can help you discover your own roadmap for your business
Some different ways you can consume coaching
How to discover whether you need a teacher or a coach
That I have a big announcement coming in just a couple of weeks!


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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