Happy Monday, babe! Welcome to Episode 15 of Boldly Courageous, a podcast created for you — the ambitious woman who is ready to take action and step into the life she's always dreamed of. Today, we're going to talk about your dream man. Maybe you're with him now, maybe you're single, or maybe you're with someone who doesn't suit your energy. Whatever your relationship status, this episode is for YOU! And the guest I have today is the PERFECT person to lead us through this discussion about masculine/feminine energy, online dating, and how to find true love.


Shahrzad Shukra is a global love and relationship coach helping successful and high-achieving women attract the relationship of their dreams by connecting them to their empowered femininity, as well as helping them to develop healthy relationship skills.

Shahrzad followed her calling and started her business in September of 2017, and through offering her wholesome love attraction teachings and methods, helped in changing 100s of her clients' lives to have the relationship of their dreams.

Shahrzad was born and raised in Iran and moved to Canada in 1998. She is blissfully married to the man of her dreams, whom she attracted through implementing the exact work that she teaches her clients.

Shahrzad is giving away an amazing tool for you to find true love online! It's a two-hour workshop about getting yourself in alignment, curating your online dating profile, and starting that connection with another person. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss, so check that out here!


In This Episode You Will Learn...

How to call in your dream man and match his energy
How to be fully involved in a career AND a relationship
The difference between masculine and feminine energies
How to attract a man who wants you and doesn't need you
Ways you can become fully open to receive
How to navigate the online dating scene and set up your profile
What you should avoid when dating online
Why it's possible to find true love online


Get in Shahrzad's Vortex:

Instagram | Website | Free Online Dating Workshop

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