Shijia gets help on her confidence as it relates to doing science/grad school in a non-native language, asking for feedback, and comfort interacting with men as a result of cultural upbringing.  


Homework: Ask for feedback  Tip: Ask for 1 thing you did well and 1 thing you did better (to avoid receiving the “It was good but…” structure of feedback) Tip: If it’s written feedback, read it while you’re well-rested and relaxed (if possible) Tip: Prepare for but don’t avoid awkwardness Growth mindset: don’t feel limited by the skills you currently have My late grandpa Yuriy had this, as he spoke to Americans even when he wasn’t fluent after we moved to the US from Russia. I recently found an amazing home video of him telling a joke in English, making people erupt in laughter, and then being delighted that he was understood   Homework: List the benefits of the struggles and learning opportunities you’ve had. Examples:  Having English as a 2nd language can provide skills for then learning the language of science Having to work while in college teaches organizing, prioritizing, multitasking, whatever skills that job required, and is actually better than having a resume that has only education Homework: Mindfulness (letting thoughts slip away) Tip: Avoiding Pink Elephants (think of a better thought to replace an unhelpful thought pattern, as just trying to avoid thoughts tends to reinforce them Tip: Track unhelpful thoughts by moving pennies from one pocket to another or by using a tally Tip: Defer anxiety to a later point Christy Harrison’s Intuitive Eating Fundamental Class (a mini course is available) and Food Psych podcast  Tip: Use Masterminds (feedback groups) for making progress on research projects or anything else you’re trying to get done


Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at!

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Email: [email protected]

Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram


All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest. 


Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided. 

Host: Masha Evpak

Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak

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