Sam gets help with stressing over the possibility of being judged on a first date and about the risks of running a business. 


Mentioned in this episode:

Homework: Then What/Worst Case Scenario, adapted from Then What exercise Homework: Don’t Worry, Prepare Tip: When sharing something difficult, give the person a year to deal with the info and come around (as suggested by Dan Savage) Homework: Mindfulness about thoughts


Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at!

Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram.

Email: [email protected]

Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram


All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest. 


Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided. 

Host: Masha Evpak

Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak

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