Are you able to pull out real, raw emotions from your clients during your sessions?

In episode 365 of the Bokeh Podcast, Karissa Layne shares about the importance of connecting with your clients so they're comfortable enough to open up around you. Listen in as she walks through the importance touch points from inquiry to the session that allows her to capture her clients on an intimate level.

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Customer Experience: Honest enthusiasm. (2:26)

Brand Position: Capturing your marriage, not just your wedding day and giving you photographs that reflect who you are. (5:35)

Technique for Time: (8:47)

Take 1-2 days off work each week.

Have realistic expectations for what you can get done.

Inspiration: Faith & Family (17:50)

Book Recommendations: (20:28)

Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller -

Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer -

Bridgetone Podcast -

Capturing Emotion in Your Clients:

1. Get to know your clients on a personal level either in-person, on a call, or through a questionnaire; also let them get to know you as well.

2. Prompt your couples to take an action, then look for the in between moments.

3. Give them space to connect during your sessions by stepping away from them.

4. Provide constant feedback to your clients for encouragement.

5. Work Quickly, but also slow down. Don’t make awkward moments.

Action Tip: Start by encouraging your couples to walk or run to loosen them up.

Why Movement Works: They’re thinking about what they’re doing, not how they look or the camera.


Anna Anderson's Brand Position Consultation -

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