Feat guest: Jeff

“The three endgame couples are like, holding each other while they watch a fiery boat of a flaming body float away. Romantic.” -Maria

TBH, this mid-season finale gave us whiplash—from Archie and FP’s team-up to run the Dickinson brothers out of town to Jughead bashing a skull in with a rock as initiation into a creepy secret society to Cheryl’s Red Queen trial of Penelope Blossom and subsequent letting-go of Jason (finally!) via fiery Viking Funeral on Sweetwater River. Meanwhile, in “Hills We Are Willing to Die On” territory, we continue to plead with the writers to let Veronica have non-Hiram-related plotlines, and, as Maria is NOT a fan of this Betty storyline, we plead once again for our dear Betty to go to regular therapy sessions.

P.S. Having recorded our live reactions on December 11, we were still in a bit of shock over the Riverdale writers actually trying to get us to buy that Betty Cooper killed the Love of Her Life Jughead Jones (seriously, good one, y’all) so while we throw some ideas around, a more coherent discussion of flash-forward theories will commence on our 4x10 podcast~

As always, check out our bodysuit looks on Insta at bodysuits4bughead or Twitter at B4B_Podcast. RIP Luke Perry, love forever.


A message from Rebecca, who is taking a step back from the podcast for the foreseeable future:
“I want to start off saying how much fun this experience has been for me and how I want to ultimately figure a way to be able to play a role again in the future. I am in grad school now and my program is just overwhelming me. I'm also just a person so sometimes life gets to me too. I want to be able to be the best podcast co-host to my dear friend Maria, and to those who listen! Right now, I just have to take some time for myself and focus on school. I will be back! Because I need to know who that damn Twiggy-Smalls is and I have too many bodysuits now for my own good! Thanks to Maria! Thanks to RAS! Thanks to Bughead! XOXO Rebecca.”