feat guest: Jeff

Even though we were sad to see this episode was too action-packed to give us any good Bughead moments, we have fun going along for the ride as the Jones family embarks on a quest to save Jellybean from the Gargoyle King. We have a multitude of reactions to all the variously absurd and jaw-dropping pieces of information that Betty’s investigation and Toni’s infiltration reveal about the Farm. (Evelyn’s old! Sister Wives! The cult is trying to trap Betty by slowly recruiting each of her friends and family members?! How many cult tropes can the Farm do?!!) Sadly, with a final epic performance, we say “see you later!” to Josie McCoy in this universe as she departs for Katy Keene, and *sniff* say a very somber goodbye to Fred Andrews, as this was Luke Perry’s final episode he filmed. In ship news, we bid a bittersweet farewell to Archosie and speculate about whether Varchie feelings may be rekindling. And finally, Jeff gets very angry that Elio is attempting to prosecute Archie for Randy Ronson dying in the ring, because - as Jeff passionately yells - “THAT’S NOT HOW FIGHTING WORKS!” Oh, and BONUS: Juniper and Dagwood inspire an impassioned Jeff PSA about why you shouldn’t name your kids wild names.

As always, check out our bodysuit looks on Insta at bodysuits4bughead or Twitter at B4B_Podcast. RIP Luke Perry, love forever.

*Thanks for your patience, y'all! We were already running behind on editing, as you know, then two-thirds of the way through editing 3x17, our audio program crashed and lost all our edits and we finally said ENOUGH! We had to download and learn a new program to edit, so we appreciate your patience. We diligently recorded each week throughout the last episodes of the season and are now editing and posting ‘em as fast as we can! Thanks for listening, loves!*


A message from Rebecca, who is taking a step back from the podcast for the foreseeable future:
“I want to start off saying how much fun this experience has been for me and how I want to ultimately figure a way to be able to play a role again in the future. I am in grad school now and my program is just overwhelming me. I'm also just a person so sometimes life gets to me too. I want to be able to be the best podcast co-host to my dear friend Maria, and to those who listen! Right now, I just have to take some time for myself and focus on school. I will be back! Because I need to know who that damn Twiggy-Smalls is and I have too many bodysuits now for my own good! Thanks to Maria! Thanks to RAS! Thanks to Bughead! XOXO Rebecca.”