Okay yes this is a long one, y’all, but...between the Evernever cult knowing all the Cooper secrets...to Jughead having to play Russian roulette with Ethel in a weird twig crown...to the speakeasy opening with: Josie’s iconic performance, sub!Reggie, and dom!Veronica figuratively fighting back at Hiram’s legion of doom like a badass (with the help of Choni)...to Archie LITERALLY fighting in an underground prison fight club...to Bughead LAYING NAKED IN THE #SEXBUNKER...to fuckin Falice sneaking around fucking and also burning shit in a FIRE....can you blame us?! Season 3 is already WILD and we’ve got all the reactions, rants, shrieks, theories, and laughs for ya in “Riverdale 3x03 - Chapter Thirty-Eight: So Above, So Below.”

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