Gut bacteria is key to your happiness!

It sounds like a weird concept, doesn’t it? However, studies have shown that gut bacteria have an extremely important role in your happiness and your physical and mental health. 

In this episode, Gundi reunites with nature researcher Ria Jago to talk about the important role of the gut microbiome and how essential it is to our lives. They discuss the role of bacteria in the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. Plus, they also reveal the importance of gut bacteria in gut health as well as the type of food you should eat to ensure there is balance in your gut!

Gut bacteria can also be damaged, and the widespread use of antibiotics such as Roundup has become a serious problem. Roundup stays in the food you eat and it kills the bacteria in your gut. This also happens when you use certain antibiotics to treat infections. When bacteria starts to regenerate, the harmful ones tend to appear first, causing additional diseases.

Plus, when you don’t have the right amount of gut bacteria producing serotonin and aiding in the health of your gut, diseases such as depression and irritable bowel syndrome can appear. And the effects don’t stop there! Deficient gut bacteria has also been linked to other mood disorders as well as insomnia. 

But not everything is lost! Gundi goes over some of the things you can do to ensure your gut bacteria is protected and to preserve your health.

Do you want to learn more? Tune in!

Get a copy of my book accompanying the Podcast! Out now on Amazon as a paperback! Order here.

Topic timestamps:

(00:00): Welcome to Body & Soil!(03:13): The increased incidence of chronic diseases such as asthma, autism, and infertility.(09:34): Why fiber is not digested and how it is used by bacteria in the gut.(13:11): The role of bacteria in the production of serotonin the happiness hormone. (15:23): How the herbicide Roundup becomes part of our food. (20:53): Gut bacteria and the production of vitamin B3. (28:30): Inoculation of gut microbiota at birth and why it is so important. (34:07): Fatty acids as another byproduct of fiber digestion and their role in gut healing.(39:44): What happens after antibiotics kill the gut microbiome.(41:48): The connection between the brain and the gut through the vagus nerve. 

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Mentioned and Relevant Resources

Gowrie Veterinary ClinicGut by Giulia Enders 

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