Today, a very important conversation was sparked by a troll who shared my instagram profile, downing me to their +100 k followers.

I’m grateful that it happened actually because it inspired me to create this conversation today surrounding WHO to trust on instagram and how to know who to trust in this saturated world of health / diet / fitness.

I discuss:

Why so many diets are actually healthy (vegan, my approach, vegetarian etc) - it’s never just one - and what they should all have in common to be considered healthy

Why it’s important to have an open mind about ALL health professionals views because, they all might be true

Why I don’t teach the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

How you can NEVER really study or make claims about all specific foods in isolation

How to know who to trust / what to look for among the millions of health accounts that exist

How to clear your own confusion on instagram and just go with what works for you.






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