In this episode, I have Elisha Casagrande join me to talk very openly and vulnerably about her alcohol reduction journey after the diagnosis of her husbands cancer.


Elisha is a PT and Health & Style Coach who loves empowering women to look as good as they feel. She has also recently joined my team, after being been a member inside my membership, the Health With Bec Tribe since the very beginning, 4 years ago, and lives and breathes the Health With Bec life.


Despite her being extremely healthy, she shares how the birth of her two children sparked anxiety which lead to having a drink every night, and then how her husbands sudden diagnosis of cancer 6 years ago, when the kids were only 2 and 5, lead to her alcohol habit increasing immensely.

But, she overcame it in about 12 months, using strategies that she very openly shares and now manages her alcohol in a very balanced way.


Her story to overcoming the habit of her nightly excessive drinking is extremely inspiring and I know it will help anyone who is looking to reduce their alcohol consumption or break any habit that may not be serving you!


It’s also an honest story to normalise the challenges in life and how sometimes, even the healthiest people go through challenges and stages where one art of their healthy habits falls to the side - despite how healthy or put together they seem from the outside.


I hope you enjoy our chat as much as I did!


Download the Mind The Sip app: click here
Read Quit Like A Woman: click here
Follow Elisha on instagram: feelbelook

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