This is a bit of a personal one that I hope you can relate to. I often don't share what I eat or talk about my weight much, but on this trip in-particular, I gained a little weight (which is obvioulsy FINE!). And now, I want to talk about what I am doing to lose it and the importance of reflection and always listening to your body. Weight maintenance and / or loss is an ongoing journey that never ends.




Podcasts about how I eat when I travel to maintain my balance: Episode 110 and 80

Also, episode 80 is written as a blog: My Italian Trip (PART 2): Eating with Balance, Maintaining my Weight , Gluten & Food Sensitivities. Click here

Podcasts about fasting: Episode 15 & 16

Also written as a blog, click here 

Fasting guide freebie: Click here 

Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here

Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset

Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe

Explore my free recipes & website: Click here 

Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec