
Bob goes solo to explain some of the most important points in his new QJAE article on the fractional reserve banking debate. Bob shows why Mises thought *any* issuance of fiduciary media caused the boom-bust cycle, and he points out a major flaw in George Selgin’s defense of fractional reserve banking.

Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:

Bob’s (new article in the QJAE) on fractional reserve banking.

Bob’s (Mises U lecture) that gives a primer on the intra-Austrian debate on FRB. (Help support) the Bob Murphy Show.

The audio production for this episode was provided by (Podsworth Media).

Bob goes solo to explain some of the most important points in his new QJAE article on the fractional reserve banking debate. Bob shows why Mises thought *any* issuance of fiduciary media caused the boom-bust cycle, and he points out a major flaw in George Selgin’s defense of fractional reserve banking.

Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:

Bob’s new article in the QJAE on fractional reserve banking.
Bob’s Mises U lecture that gives a primer on the intra-Austrian debate on FRB.
Help support the Bob Murphy Show.

The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.