Austrian economist and Mises Institute Fellow Mateusz Machaj discusses two of his books. The first is a technical work explaining how the Austrian structure of production concept can help resolve puzzles in economics. Machaj's second book analyzes the political philosophy behind the Star Wars prequels. This episode contains deep insights that will inform even advanced students of both economic theory and the Star Wars universe.

Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:

The YouTube version of this interview: Part 1 on structure of production and Part 2 on Star Wars.Matt's book on capital theory and his book on Star Wars. #CommissionsEarned (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)Bob’s referee reports from Paul Samuelson.Bob's article explaining "reswitching."Krugman on potential GDP flip-flop.Mace Windu, vigilante.Help support the Bob Murphy Show.

The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.