Spinal Stenosis: What You Need to Know

Bob & Mike interview Terri Night PT on Spinal Stenosis.

Terri Night likes to stir a little humor into everything she does,  including her practice as a physical therapist. She is currently a  Rehabilitation Services Supervisor at Contra Costa Regional Medical  Center and a Certified Tai Chi Instructor. Visit her website at  www.rehabspinalstenosis.com for blog updates and videos.  

"I wrote REHAB YOUR OWN SPINAL STENOSIS after working with many people who felt scared and confused after being told they had this disorder. I  wanted to let people know that it’s possible to get better."--Terri  Night, PT 

Book: Rehab Your Own Spinal Stenosis: https://amzn.to/3zbujdV  

Terri Night Website: https://www.rehabspinalstenosis.com/


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