They say that you need to put in 10,000 hours to master something. It’s interesting that negotiation is one of the most important skills we can ever master yet we don’t think to practice it.

Join host, Cindy Watson, as she interviews Philip Brown to discuss how to practice negotiation.

Philip honed his negotiation skills by working in procurement across a variety of industries where he's enjoyed negotiating everything from steering wheels to global IT solutions to international banking to cuddly toys.


In 2018 he started The Negotiation Club as a platform for people to come together to practice their negotiation skills in a safe place.  He developed the Negotiation Cards that allow anyone to practice at any time and he now supports students, professionals and trainers in their pursuit of negotiation excellence through negotiation practice.


Find out more about the Negotiation Club and these unique negotiation cards. Discover the system of Practical Practice for Negotiations and what makes good practice. Explore negotiation tactics. What tactics should people be aware of and how can they practice to better handle them in negotiations. Get hot tips for negotiating with bullies Uncover the role emotion plays in negotiations   Identify the key reasons negotiations fail


Learn more about Philip Brown on:

Linked In @the Negotiation Club


Be sure to subscribe to Art of Feminine Negotiation podcast if you haven’t already done so.

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If you’re looking to up-level your negotiation skills, I have everything from online to group to my signature one-on-one mastermind & VIP experiences available to help you better leverage your innate power to get more of what you want and deserve in life.

Check out our website at:

 if that sounds interesting to you.

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