
My name is Myron. I am a Black Autistic Polymath. This is what I was doing when Chris Cormier, Sherri Cormier, and Matt McKenzie [allegedly] manipulated my wife and literally stole my show.

If you know any of these people, I speak about while I speak my truth. Demand they tell you the truth, but hold us both accountable. Be transparent. I am not the one under indictment. Be honest, would you allow this theft to happen if the victim was white and the criminal was black? I expect, demand that you hold me to the scrutiny. 

I am calling all of you motherfuckers out. And, I will not speak with you alone. You will all speak to me, as a group. And witness what you are capable of. Enjoy.

And a bunch of shit about who I am. 

Thank you, or Good Bye.

I have nothing left for your white feelings.