I [allege] Chris Cormier, Sherri Cormier and Matt McKenzie tried to steal my podcast.

We start this chapter with you as the witnesses. Witness what white people do to people like me.

What did I do to deserve this? Ask them. Demand Justice. There are no half measures.

Demand for them all to speak and face, with accountability, what they have done. Do it transparently. I am willing, available and committed to the same scrutiny from you all. I am calling them out.

Chris, Sherri and Matt, Join Anna and I, and our community, to discuss what happened. I demand accountability.

This is an episode I did to show that I am a person, and have a full range of emotions. None of my emotions are a threat. Yet, I want to ask yourself this: were you afraid of seeing my anger?

Why do you think that is the case?