Nate is a doctor of physical therapy and founder of Kadalyst Wellness and Physical Therapy, located in Monterey, CA, the co-founder of Kadalyst Online Wellness, an online wellness and fitness company, and the host of the Strong Society Podcast.

He is a “curious soul,” and is always ready to have conversations that get to the center of how we think and why we do what we do.

Nate’s passion is working on solving the big problems that face our country and global community which include, affordable and quality healthcare, the wealth gap, political polarization, poverty, and much more.

Topics Covered:
1. Building more walkable, community oriented cities for better health outcomes (physical and mental).
2. Incentive theory of motivation and how this relates to health and well-being.
3. Choosing to experience and be uncomfortable in order to build resilience into the system.