Jared has a love affair with getting people strong.

It started innocently enough, stepping into the weight room in high school so he could play better football.

But things started heating up after he found out he was stronger than he thought...and liked it.

The rush that came from each PR was addictive, and so was the confidence he started noticing outside the gym too.

Before long, Jared was having a full-blown fling with strength.

And now, his mission is to bring that fling to as many people as he possibly can.

That's why he started his coaching company, Unbreakable Strength, to help anyone even a little strength-curious build more muscle, strength and confidence than they thought possible.

He works with lifters from all over the world, helping them lift heavy, smash PR's, ditch injury and feel like badasses.

And he can't wait for you to enjoy this podcast!

TOP 3 topics covered:

Physical therapists don't know how to properly help strength athletes, and that's unacceptable.

Training and rehab are parts of the same spectrum, and that's incredible news.

When you're addicted to strength, getting injured feels like a prison sentence. And it doesn't have to be that way.