Dr. Heather Fraebel is a pelvic health physical therapist for Mend Physical Therapy in Boulder, CO. She treats a variety of issues ranging from postpartum care to post prostatectomy care to gastrointestinal disorders to pelvic pain to sexual dysfunction, and so much more. Heather loves how empowering it is to guide people in how to use their own body to address their most intimate concerns.

-the underserved realm of pregnant and postpartum care
-Kegel's the word itself and all that comes with it. Down with the reign of Kegel's! Pelvic health is so much more than just Kegel's!
-our culture not talking about our pelvic health, and the hope to make it less taboo

@1:01 what is pelvic health physical therapy
@2:00 when should pelvic issues be referred out to a mental health specialist?