As much as possible, trainers should make our media about our clients (and the people we seek to serve). But here are some important details about me and my career

Graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Commerce(Co-op) Honours.
Grew up as a competitive cross-country skier, basketball player, and dabbled in many other sports. Became a die hard fitness enthusiast in my early 20’s.
Began my career as a certified personal trainer in the fall of 2010 in Edmonton, Alberta.
19000+ client coaching hours and counting.
Devotion to reading and studying everything I’m able to find time for, about fitness, nutrition, behaviour change, and anything related to a career in the fitness industry.
Owner of Andrew Coates Fitness, founded in January of 2017 and contracting at Evolve Strength South.
Currently split my days between Evolve and my home studio in south Edmonton.
Host of The Lift Free and Diet Hard Podcast with Andrew Coates (formerly The Fitness Devil with my friend and co-host Dean Guedo. A weekly show of discussions with fitness industry leaders.
Fitness Writer for not only my website here but for major fitness publications including T-Nation, The PTDC, Generation Iron, and TrueCoach, with more in the works.
Cofounder and MC of The Evolve Canadian Strength Symposium, an Edmonton Fitness Conference featuring industry leading speakers including cofounder Dean Somerset, Lee Boyce, and more.
Mentor of a small group of fitness professionals around the world.
I post daily ideas and fitness industry philosophy on my rapidly growing Instagram account @andrewcoatesfitness. You can follow me on Twitter but I mostly just use it to create graphics for IG.
I’ll probably mess around more with YouTube but don’t hold me to it (I mean this list is getting absurdly long)
I have a fluffy black cat named Ozzy who’s the star of my Instagram.
I love the band Tool, the world of The Witcher(games, books, show), Books, and good Highland Single Malt Scotch
I coach the general population. That means everyday people who want to get stronger and feel better. I work with some young athletes, people with wildly ranging goals, and older adults. Competitive physique or strength sports aren’t my passion or wheel house so I’m happy to refer competitors to a network of professionals I trust.
I’ll be coaching people well into retirement age. I love being able to do such fulfilling and meaningful work every day (I usually work 7 days a week).