Rick's new book, Solving the Pain Puzzle, is now available on Amazon https://amzn.to/3Y9pnjU Rick Olderman is a sports and orthopedic
physical therapist with more than 25 years
experience that specializes in helping people
with chronic pain experience a pain-free life. He
graduated with his Master’s Degree from The
Krannert School of Physical Therapy at the
University of Indianapolis in 1996.
His clinic in lovely Denver, Colorado was famous
for being the place that people went when all
other treatments failed.
Rick has written the popular Fixing You® series
of books -- found on Amazon.com -- to help
people with chronic pain or injuries. Rick wants
to show you how to live completely pain-free
without the need for medication.
He is one of the top professionals in the U.S.
when it comes to understanding recurring
injuries and chronic musculoskeletal pain. He
wants to enhance quality of life by helping
people fix their pain once and for all.
Rick wants to change how we understand and
teach orthopedic physical therapy throughout all
health and wellness education. He wants the
fundamental understanding about how the body
works to create and solve pain to be available to

Rick is also the host of
the podcast Talk About
Pain where he
discusses ways to
eliminate pain without
surgery or medication.

[email protected]

Eliminating pain naturally
Physical Therapy
Evidence-based pain reduction