Growing up my mum used to always tell us that "you never taste the penis, if you do you won't be able to stop because it's so good". Random right? She instilled both fear and desire at the same time. BUT what I do appreciate from her quirky expression was that she never lied to my sisters and me about how good sex is, that it is a GOOD thing. Of course, she also qualified this expression with "only in the grips of marriage". It's no wonder I developed a sex complex, with religion telling me one thing, on one hand, the conservative African traditionalistic way of women's existence on the other and society requiring me to publicly bargain my sexuality, sexual desires, and desirability as a black woman with a visual impairment on the other. The "good girl" trope and archetype was the light that illuminated my path, hypocritically so, as I battled between religious doctrine and my innate desire for freedom. Let's talk about SEX!