Podcast Insider “What is Emotional Intelligence And The Role It Plays In Living A Healthy and Successful Life With Dr. Cynthia Howard

Dr. Cynthia Howard (RN, CNC, PhD) is an expert in resilience who believes in the partnership of the mind, body, heart and soul as the foundation of success. She is a coach, teacher, adviser, speaker and consultant who has helped thousands of people dramatically change both their professional and personal lives.


Our Guest: Dr. Cynthia Howard


Website: Resilience Beyond Burn Out and Lead and Live More Brilliantly

Twitter: @masterwellbeing

Facebook: Vibrant Radian Health

Book: H.E.A. L.  Healthy Emotion Abundant Life

Tea Drinkers: Yerba Mate Tea  Wisdom Naturals (Mentioned during the interview)



Cynthia shares her story on how potential employers said she was over qualified and over educated. She was, for the most part unemployable after being laid off from her nursing position.


During the interview Cynthia discusses her journey from working as a nurse in ICU to entrepreneurship. And the many doors she actually knocked on to build her first business, meanwhile going to school to get her masters then doctorate degrees. She eventually create a full-time income and supported herself.


As a successful entrepreneur, Cynthia’s  insecurities led her back to corporate America for a short period of time, until she realize this wasn’t the path for her and didn't mind being let go from the position .


We discuss “What is Emotional Intelligence and roles it plays in our lives?”

Learning how to deal with your emotions during your time of career transitions and what the different emotions mean to our health.

Cynthia shares the word of the day and what the “Heart Focus Breathing” is and the steps to take to help with daily stressors. She mentions how using a daily journal of gratitude keep your emotions deliberately focus.

How to deal with complainers and negative emotional charge from your working environment.

The role Emotional Intelligence plays to entrepreneur starting your business and what can hinder your overall success.

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