Learn How To Build A Winning Social Media Audience With Cendrine Marrouat


A little about Our Guest!

Cendrine Marrouat a former English major and hold a bachelor’s degree in English-to-French translation. And she's bilingual! Originally from France but currently residing in Winnepeg, Canada.

In her 11-year career, she have done pretty much everything involving writing: teaching, translations, poetry, theatre, spoken word, reviews, blogging content curation, and journalism.

Cendrine has self-published six collections of poems, released a CD, and wrote two plays. She decision to work in social media to connect with like minded entrepreneurs. She have dedicated the last four and a half years to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs leverage the power of online relationships and become strong and trusted brands. She is now the current author of the "The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win. All available on Amazon or her website.


How to contact Cendrine

Website:Social Media Slant

Twitter: Cendrine Marrouat

Book: The Little Big ebook on Social Media Audience: Build Yours, Keep it, and Win (Affiliate Link)


Our Discussion


- Cendrine Marrouat discusses her transition from creating poetry into social media and the process she went through.


- What is the best way to determine your audience when starting with your own business.


- How can can entrepreneurs determines who their audience is and where can they begin to find them.


- We drive into a popular topic of social listening, what is it and why it’s important to building your business brand. Cendrine shares the tools uses for social listening.


- To Facebook or not to Facebook? That is the question that is brought up and if you are wondering the same thing, listen to some concerns that were brought.


- How can someone go about building a social media community when you are just starting out in business.


- Why you need to embrace your own unique voice, when you’re on social media as a part of your business brand.


- Recommendations are offered for learning the Google plus platform and how to make the transition from Facebook and Twitter and the benefits of socializing on that platform.


- Cendrine opens up why you need to be receptive to constructive, criticism especially as an entrepreneur.

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Career Spotlight - Ghost Writer



- American Grant Writing Association http://www.agwa.us/


- Writer’s Relief - A list of writer’s associations  http://writersrelief.com/writers-associations-organizations/





- Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Writers and Authors, on the Internet http://www.bls.gov/ooh/media-and-communication/writers-and-authors.htm


- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostwriter

- How Much to Charge for Ghostwriting -Gigi Starr http://www.ehow.com/about_7378895_much-charge-ghostwriting.html#ixzz325qyxyGmhttp://www.ehow.com/about_7378895_much-charge-ghostwriting.htm


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