You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." ~Zig Ziglar


Jared Easley is a self-described “everyday guy” who is passionate about connecting with others, communicating, leveraging new media & cultivating a community of like-minded citizens. He is married to his amazing wife Rachel & they have a beautiful daughter named Lana, and they live in South Florida - I found Jared though his podcast which I found motivational and the guest he had on the show I found myself relating to some fears I have with starting this podcast. After reaching out to congratulate him on the show and a few conversations later, I finally got the nerve to ask Jared to be on my show. 

Jared Easley
Twitter: @jaredeasley 

Topics Discussed

How "Starve the Doubts" podcast came to fruition.
The importance of taking the first steps to achieving your goals.
Jared talks about what is a podcast and the benefits of starting your own or listening to podcast.
Why you should communicate your goals.
Which social media network is best for networking.

Resources Mentioned
Pressgram -
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life (Book)


Career Spotlight

Video Game Tester (Quality Assurance, tester) - has a directory of employers and articles - job listings and a game tester career description

Tip: Please do not "Pay to Play" when inquiring about QA gamer position. Don't sign up for any one time membership fee to get a job.