Mark Babbitt is CEO of YouTern, a community that enables young talent to become highly employable by

connecting them to high-impact internships, mentors and contemporary career advice. YouTern’s advocacy

of mentor-based career development and self-learning – as well as its work with companies building engaging

company cultures that attract Millennial talent – has received national attention:

• Mashable calls YouTern a “Top 5 Online Community for Starting Your Career”

• Forbes named the start-up a “Top Website for Your Career” in 2012 and 2013

• In 2013, listed YouTern a Top 5 finalist for “Best Career Blog” and “Best Job Site for Students”

Mark is a keynote speaker, author and blogger who contributes to The Huffington Post, Bloomberg News and Mark’s upcoming books include:

• “A World Gone Social: How Business Must Adapt to Survive” with Ted Coine | AMACOM | July 2014

• “The Ultimate Guide to Internships (and Making Your College Years Matter Again)” | Allworth Publishing

New York | Sept 2014

On this podcast episode we discuss:

The kind of skills someone should you work on developing and how.

The power of networking.

What social media is best for you.

How Yourtern can help people of all ages find a mentor.

Advice on ways to transition into your career or entreprenuership.

Websites to Check Out

Twitter: @youternmark

Email - [email protected]


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