We'd like to start with a series of critical questions:

how much do you believe in moving to a cash flow focus?how much do you believe in erasing debt?how much do you believe in pivoting your investment mentality to include a "safety" conversation - protecting your families assets through a will, trusts and insurances?is it time to stage for your new investment season by freeing up brain space to learn first the language of investment, then the lifestyle of investment?have you worked with your family to build a congruent mission, vision and core values statement that you can use to build your stewardship portfolio?


Your answers to the above questions are critical in your preparation to invest.   It may lead you to more traditional avenues of investing - however, if you are feeling the urge to stage your life to steward more or learn the lifestyle of investment then it may be time to work your way through these steps.  The following list is a progression we outlined in the podcast that may help you in your pivot to the practical stages of preparation and investment.

The Closet:  is God calling you to earn and invest for your family? OR, is God calling you to earn/invest/ steward resources for your family and for other families, your community and local businesses?  

Margin:  Do you have or are you developing the brain space to learn the language of investing and do your own homework?  Are you ready to be the quarterback of your investment portfolio?

Values:   Values are the cornerstone of what we call the "congruency" platform.  An investor or family's ability to be settled on their mission, vision and values sets the stage for them to streamline their energy and focus them on what God has called them to steward.

Family Mission:  What is God calling you to do in the next 10 years?  What legacy will you leave as a family?  Strictly a financial legacy for your kids or are you wanting to invest in your community?  or missions?

Penalties to move money:  There can be significant penalties to move your money from traditional products so you need to be sure of your calling to build cash flow machines as the basis of your portfolio.

Insurance based products:  If you are a person who is stuck and cannot remove your $ from products that are stuck in a 401K or similar, you can ask your fiduciary to introduce you to insurance based products.  This move may protect you against further stock market decline.

Hedging:  contrary to public sentiment, investing in money, i.e. gold or silver is a hedge against the stock market - we do not consider it an investment because it doesnt bring about returns but walks inversely to traditional markets.  If current markets fail we will see a stark rise in the value of commodities, especially real money - gold and silver.

Proximity:  As the markets continue to show weakness and fragility it is imperative that we move our investments closer to home or at least make it so we can see where we are invested to make changes and move resources as needed.

The Praying Game:  All of this is moot information if we haven't spent time with God seeking His counsel regarding our stewardship.  We must be seeking to answer at what level does he want our investment responsibility - for us and our families or the greater responsibility of stewarding resources for our neighbors and community.

Our hope is as you work through these terms and ideas that you will see yourself as part of God's redemptive force on this earth and plan/move/invest accordingly.