The old adage, "money doesnt grow on trees" only applies to us but not to the US government.  They can grow money on their money tree all day long in partnership with the Fed and that is, unfortunately, where our upcoming stimulus checks are coming from.   So it begs the question... where is it coming from?  How is it created and why don't we have to pay it back?

In Part 2 of this discussion we tackle some ideas around planning for the economic winter on the horizon as well as what God would ask of us in preparation.  The following is an outline of our discussion and response to God's narrative of redemptive influence and stewardship.


Review of George Clason's 70% rule:In Seasons of Crisis, 70% has to be adjusted:in Seasons of Crisis, money will get expensive - why?:What is your plan for this next season?  What is the side gig?  How will you generate and develop cash flow?:Preparation starts with prayer, time with the Holy Spirit and engaging in crucial conversations - it is the very fuel needed to execute.

Resources and Mentions:

The Creature From Jekyll Island :  A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

The Maker Versus the Takers:  What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics


1 Samuel 8

2 Corinthians 8:9

John 14

1 Corinthians 2



PW Gopal - [email protected]

Mike Hatch - [email protected]